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Happy New Year!   Let’s kick off 2021 with New Public Art in NYC’s Grand Central:  Thank you NYC and artist Jim Hodges!

Happy New Year! Let’s kick off 2021 with New Public Art in NYC’s Grand Central: Thank you NYC and artist Jim Hodges!

A new installation by artists, Jim Hodges has found a permanent home in NYC’s Grand Central!  If you have never been to Grand Central in person, the 1913 beaux-arts landmark building is a piece art in itself, but before COVID around 750,000 people passed through the station a day!  It was the perfect place for Hodge’s breathtakingly beautiful mirrored glass installation, I dreamed a world and called it Love. 

It is located above the landing of the stirs and escalator that connects Grand Central Terminal and the Grand Central-42 Street subway station.

The 710.8 square feet installation is made up of more than 5,000 separately cut pieces of different colored glass, layered to create, what looks like to me in some parts a shimmering, fantastical ocean evoking myths I loved as a kid; and other parts are more earthy, bringing to my mind what parts of Earth must look like from space.  

Jim Hodges, a New York-based installation artists said, “I dreamed a world and called it Love is intended as an offering to honor all citizens, neighbors, and visitors who pass through the space,” the artist said in a statement. “My desire was to rise to the occasion of the historic context of Grand Central Terminal and celebrate the people who give New York its identity for many years to come.”

And that’s exactly how it feels to me: an offering of beauty in gratitude to people who keep going, passing through this station on their journeys.

Truth Be Told wins.

Truth Be Told wins.

Losing and Finding Yourself in Art — in Bed

Losing and Finding Yourself in Art — in Bed